Page config
Last update: a year ago by Mateusz FilipowiczReading time: 2 min
Frontmatter can be used to define page-specific metadata and configuration. The front matter must be the first thing in the file and must take the form of valid YAML set between triple-dashed lines. Here is a basic example:
---title: Coding like a Pro!---
Between these triple-dashed lines, you can set predefined variables (see below for a reference) which allow you to customize the page.
title: String # title of the page, visible in navigation sidebar, page content title, browser tab title and used for SEO and searchmetaTitle: String # used for SEO if provided, otherwise title is useddescription: String # page description used for search and SEOorder: Int # page order in navigation sidebar, the lower the higher it will appeardraft: Boolean # set to true to mark page as draft and not publish it (unless overriden by features.publishDraft property)editable: Boolean # set to true to show Edit on Repo button, set to false to hide itshowMetadata: Boolean # set to true to show page metadata, set to false to hide itshowToc: Boolean # set to true to show Table of Contents, set to false to hide ittocDepth: Int # Table of Contents depth (depth of headers used to calculate ToC)showPreviousNext: Boolean # set to true to show previous/next buttons, set to false to hide it
---title: 'Navigation'---
---title: 'Navigation'order: 4draft: trueeditable: truetocDepth: 1---
Page link
Page link is defined page file name and directories path relative to content
directory. Check navigation details
to better understand how page link is created.
Further on, when writing content, page link must be used to create valid
links within page content, e.g. [go to this page](/group/page)